FlippedNormals Creating Custom Decals for Games – In-Depth Tutorial Course Free Download
Learn how a professional environment artist works when creating custom decals using various techniques that can be used in-game engines. You will learn how to create everything from procedural decals to hand-painted to sculpted, Normal map only & POM decals, image-based decals, and much more!
We will cover various topics in this tutorial course, but the main ones are as followed:
Creating procedural leak decals using Substance Designer.
Creating Hand Painted leak decals using Substance Painter
Create edge damage and welding decals using Zbrush and Marmoset
Creating road cracks and pothole decals using Substance designer
Creating POM decals in Unreal Engine which stands for parallax occlusion mapping. It is a technique that uses height maps to make decals feel like they are made from geometry.
Creating image-based decals
Creating normal-map only decals that you can use on terrains
Setting up various decal materials in unreal engine 5
Using atlases with decals to optimize your scene
Showcasing how to use decals in your levels
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