The way it works, is by duplicating the current state mesh of your object and linking it to the variant that was created.
! Beware:
You can at any time edit the mesh of a variant (that’s why I added a warning) so make sure that you only edit your base mesh (which is the latest state of your object)
Update Log:
1.4 -Added a randomize variant button, which will give all selected objects a random variant from their mesh variants
-Added a button to the linking menu which allows to copy the data including the mesh variants from the active object to the selected objects
1.3 -Added support for shape keys, vertex groups etc. (a new mesh variant mesh is now a duplicate of the current base mesh, so it will carry all information that the base mesh has. The old way was to create a new mesh which resulted in data loss)
-UI improvements
1.2 -Added a button to delete all variants of the selected objects