GeoCables is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural hanging cables by using Geometry Nodes.
The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering functions like Drawing in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces or converting objects to cables.
GeoCables Panel is located under the ‘A-Tools’ section of the N-Panel
Click the ‘Create/Edit Cables’ button to start the drawing mode.
Click on any face to place a point and keep clicking to add more points.
Hold down CTRL to snap the point to the center of the face.
Hold down ALT while clicking to split the cable.
With any GeoCable object selected click ‘Add Shipped Connectors’ to add the 5 connectors shipped with the addon to your cable.
GeoCables comes with these 5 Connectors.
Select any object and click the ‘Object to Cables’ button to convert all the edges of the object to cables.
For more controls, you can use the GeoCables modifier which is added to all GeoCable objects.
Change Count
Randomize drip on each segment
Switch between Parallel and radial distribution.
Convert cables to multicables and add twisting.
Add your own connectors
Requires Blender 3.0+