Create the most complete animation tools. It can save you a lot of time.
Are you tired of repetitive manual configuration?
Are you working on tens of thousands of animations?
Do you want bone layer blended for animation?
Do you want a more accurate distance matching curve?
Do you want to generate foot step Pos/Lock/IK curves(notify) automatically?
Do you want a tool that includes all the animation features?
Let “Virtual Animation Tools” help you solve them!
Add Bone (Add weapon bones, IK bones, camera bones and other unskinned weight bones)
Remove Bone ( Remove unskinned weight bones)
Add Animation Bone Data (Add or fix the bone data on the animation, such as adding the initial data of the fixed camera)
Modify Animation Bone Data (You can modify each frame of animation data, such as repairing animation jumping caused by too much value change)
Remove Animation Bone Data
Baking Bone Data
<1> Bake animation attack frame for low frame rate client or server
<2> Bake the specified bones. On the server, we can use this data to simulate the head and torso positions of crouching, crawling, etc.
Blend Animation Bone Layer (Similar to the animation node Layered Blend Per Bone)
<1> Convert arm animation to full body animation (FPS to TPS)
<2> Blend with other animations, such as repairing missing hand animations in motion capture animations, etc.
<1> Constraining IK and FK bones.
<2> Copy the data on the IK weapon bone to the hand weapon bone.
Motion Curve (Distance matching curve, sample per-axis data on the root bone for distance matching)
Bone Curve (Support vector, transform curves)
Copy Curves
Transfer Curves
Sort Curve (Sort the curves in the initial order)
Remove Curve (Delete specified or clear all curves)
Output Curve (Export the specified animation curves data to an external curve asset,support float curve, vector curve)