Organizing shape keys is a nightmare because you just cannot give them structure due to the lack of any such mechanism in native Blender.
This is where Shape Key Collections saves the day and allows for full control over your shape keys. Bring structure to the chaos, a folder structure, that is.
With this new management system you can rename and organize which shape keys go in which folder collection, including the benefit of subfolders for full detail of your many shape keys.
The Master Shape Keys addon contains this addon in its full version –
In comparison to the original-unorganized list, this is a must.
Blender versions Compatibility
Blender 2.69, 2.79 – use script version 2.79
Blender 2.83, 2.93, 3.x – use script version 3.3
Release notes
Version 2.0
Rewrote parts of the ‘folder structure’ management code to make it more stable and consistent
Enabled editing the name of shape keys and folders by double-clicking their entry in the list
Removed the ability to trigger an error by trying to remove a shape key when there are no shape keys
Added a ‘Refresh’ button to update the list and show any shape keys that were in the model before the script was loaded
On ‘exporting’ the model the shape keys’ names no longer default to their auto-generated names
On ‘exporting’ the order of the shape keys is maintained, so long as the folders are open