When I first created this collection, my homework was done. But now, I just outdid myself to create what we can honestly call the ultimate procedural gemstone collection for CYCLES.
After working on 3D flaws and inclusions in diamonds on a render that got featured, I decided that it was time to create an outstanding colored gemstones collection, and achieve it by procedural means… The result is here. As I explain in the tutorial, some gemstones do have some underlying geometry to provide the best looking results, I think you will agree. All the rest is node based. I used the real world INDEX of REFRACTION for each mineral, and the result is here to speak. RENDERS in CYCLES.
– DIAMOND and BLACK DIAMOND with inclusions and dispersion.
– CORUNDUM: ruby, sapphire and colored sapphires.
– BERYL: Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Heliodor with inclusions.
– TOPAZ: Yellow, blue and pink.
– TOURMALINES: multi-color, double refraction, inclusions and tubular effect.
– GARNET: Almandine, Hessonite and Demantoid.
– QUARTZ: White, Citrine, Amethyst, Smoky and Rose.
– OPALS: set for light and black opals.
– LAPISLAZULI with pyrite and dirt inclusions.
– ONYX: black.
– AGATE: multicolor.
– TURQUOISE with pyrite and dirt inclusions.
– OBSIDIAN: arrow shaped.
– CORAL: red.
HDR included
Nodes are grouped/organized to make tweaking easier for each material. Some gemstones have several materials and geometry to create the right sets of colors, flaws and inclusions.