Smart tools for VFX and 3D artists
Latest version: 2021.4 (released Dec 9, 2021)
Anatomical enhancements, proper neck that can be not only shaped but also tracked, experimental tracking workflow without pre-calculation, FacialExpressions node for Nuke, and many more inspiring things…
Blendshape nodes for Nuke beta
JoinBlendshapes, MixBlendshapes and FACS nodes basically bring the possibility of working with blendshapes to Nuke. You can create 3D-objects with blendshapes, animate the blendshapes, mix animated geometries as blendshapes, etc.
FaceBuilder for Blender 2.80+
A Blender add-on for 3D modelling of a human faces and heads based on photos. The models can be user for likeness sculpting, animation, tracking or anything else in Blender; facial tracking with FaceTracker in Nuke; and surely you can just export it for further modifications in any other 3D software.
FaceBuilder for Nuke
A node for Nuke that can be used to create 3D model of a human face or a head based on a few photos. The models can be later used for geometry tracking with GeoTracker or facial tracking with FaceTracker and of course, they can be exported for further modifications in any other 3D software.
FaceTracker for Nuke
A node for Nuke that lets you track facial gestures and expressions without complicated facial motion capture rigs or unstable neural network based solutions. Works with topologies compatible with FaceBuilder.
GeoTracker for Nuke
A node for Nuke that can be used for tracking of rigid and deformable 3D models without the usual hassle associated with motion tracking job.
TextureBuilder for Nuke
A node for Nuke that can gather image data from a number of tracked frames to create an accurate texture of an object. It can help you with modifying object’s texture (e.g. cleanup or digital makeup), or for creating of clean-plates for example.
PinToolfree for Nuke
A Nuke node that helps you to fit a 3D-object into a scene. It can be used for precise positioning of still objects or even for simple geometry tracking. To manipulate a 3D-model with PinTool, you simply drag control points on the model surface (pins) to their corresponding positions in the frame.
ReadRiggedGeofree for Nuke
A Nuke node for loading skeleton-based deformable models and manipulating skeletal animation.
i want this and how can i download it
hey can you please reupload it