Scatter5 is a complete overhaul of the #1 Scattering plugin of blender.
We invented the biomes and it kicks ass! To put it simply, it’s the easiest way to create environments in blender. Click on a single button and a multi-layered ecosystem will appear on your emitter terrain, Scatter5 is shipped with a starter pack of 60 various biomes made out of 180 vegetation assets. These biomes packs are called “Scatpack” and you can create your own of course. Third parties scatpacks are also available.
Features, features, and more features, that’s what we are known for and proud of! The Scatter plugin main focus is to bring you the most powerful scattering functionalities in the easiest workflow/interface. Altitude, Slope, Curvature, Proxy, Ecosystem Proximity, ect.. all are implemented first, in the #1 Scattering plugin for blender. The Full list of features will be revealed upon release.
Scatter5 is a complete overhaul! One of its most important new functionality is the manual mode! This new concept is quite easy to understand, with multiple brushes you can add/ move/ remove/ scale/ rotate your scattered assets with true freedom! This is a more artistic approach to scattering compared to the classic procedural workflow. This mode supports graphic tablets of course!
Scatter5 highly focuses on optimization, important features, such as camera clipping, are entirely dedicated to your distribution display and visibility on-screen, rendered view or final render. These features truly unlock your artistic potential, as you will be able to easily work with millions of scattered points.