The Ultimate LEGO Tool for Blender
After making beautiful renders with the Lite version you want to go a step further. This add-on is for you. Your virtual LEGO® parts will go through a rough treatment and will look like they had a hard time being played with.
The package includes the add-on, a Blender template with pre-defined render settings for a quick start and a user manual to learn how to install and use it.
All future versions of this add-on will be free for current buyers.
Features included
• Use high-resolution part packs available in the Mecabricks online store
• Generate real geometry bevels if requested
• Scratches, fingerprints, dirt – Cycles only
• Automatic detection of stickers
• Automatic detection of printed areas
• Emission input for transparent and milky materials (glow in the dark) – Cycles only
• Geometry and materials instancing to minimize memory and allow bigger scenes to be rendered on GPU
• Tool to randomize part location and rotation
• CPU and GPU ready
what version is this?
Can we get the addon for blender 4.0?