MaxToBlender is a plugin to transfer 3DsMax current scene to Blender with 2 clicks, solving common problems between import/export problems automatically, to get the best results in the fastest way and with the less effort possible.
♦ Transfer scene from 3DsMAX to Blender with 2 clicks!
♦ Vray-to-Eevee and Cycles! Transfer 3DsMax scene even if they have vray materials or lights (if vray for 3DsMax installed) to BSDF “PBR” Materials!
♦ Open models made for 3DsMax and send them to Blender, and use the power of the Blender Eevee and Cycles render!
♦ Fast make Blender library from 3DsMax models
♦ Expand your workflow.
♦ And much more!
♦ Blender 2.9x Support!
♦ Eevee + PBR Materials!
♦ 3ds Max 2022 Support
♦ Bugfixes