Auto-Rig Pro is an addon for Blender to rig characters, retarget animations, and provide Fbx export for Unity and Unreal Engine. First developed as my own in-house rigging tool, i’ve released it a few years ago and it expanded quickly thanks to great support from the community!
Rig: New feature to import and export custom shapes
Rig: Custom names for Spline IK and Bendy-bones chains are now allowed (Limb Options)
Rig: Deleting the rig data with the X button now ensures the whole rig hierarchy is deleted even if the rig is not selected
Rig: Buttons to quickly toggle visibility of layers of controllers (expandable) in the Rig Main Properties tab
Export: Support for custom Spline IK names
Export: Support overridden armatures
Remap: Support overridden armatures
Rig: Duplicating a bendy-bone chain limb was broken
Smart: The right eyeball postion was incorrect when Mirror was disabled
Smart: 2 fingers detection could lead to an error
Export: Support for new splines IK advanced options
Export: Breast bones were missing animation
Export: Compatibility error with Blender 2.90 materials
Export: Breast parent lost
Export: Twist bone transform bug when enabling UE mannequin options