MotionTrail3D allows you to author arcs in 3D world space. The 3D-controls are implemented as normal Blender objects. They’re selectable and transformable through normal Blender means. Keys can also be added and deleted through normal Blender means. As you modify the local channels, the 3D trail will also update in real time, even if the animation is playing.
Most Recent Update: 02/26/20: Smooth Update
performance: There should no longer be any jitter or visual control-trail desync while moving controls while the animation isn’t playing.
performance: Provides options to prevent updating trail while animation playing as a way to increase playback performance while the trail is rendering.
bugfix: works for empties now
convenience: Bones: auto disables Lock object modes
convenience: User hidden controls can be unhidden by clicking button next to Show Co/Handle/Time controls.