Scatter is an attempt at making the current scattering workflow of blender more Accessible, Powerful, Extremely Fast and Enjoyable for artists. Scatter will boost your productivity and creativity like never before. Once you try it you can’t go back.
All-in-One Interface
The scattering work- flow of blender has been completely redesigned.
Everything is now in one and only place.
No need of constantly going back and forth in multiples editors..
Heavy Automation
Scatter is mainly an automation addon. A few clicks in Scatter may save you hours of work.
Like Hard-ops, Decal- Machin3 or Fluent, Scatter will create a complex modifier stack for you behind the scenes.
One-Click Particles
Creating a particle system in blender is long and boring.
With Scatter it’s really simple:
1) Choose your Terrain 2) Choose your Preset 3) Select the particles 4) Click on «Scatter».
Fortunately, Scatter has security features that will prevent you from freezing in most cases.
One-Click Photorealism
Scatter has a Biome Management system. In only one click, you can create a photoreal biome made from multiple layers of plant species.
Creating a meadow for your scene, literally, has never been that easy.
Batch Ops & Randomize
Quickly select and batch change multiple settings at once with the batch functionality.
You can also batch randomize some settings to iterate your design in no time.
Scatter addon file is missing
enjoy the latest update dude.
donate if you can paypal: [email protected]