When it comes to high-end 3D content creation, Cinema 4D has always been Easy to Learn and Easy to Use – a real-world solution for design professionals. Now we’re making Cinema 4D the Easiest to Acquire.
There’s more to the all-new Caps and Bevels than just fancy logos and text, and the enhancements to Volume Modeling and the Modeling Core Updates offer more efficient and accelerated workflows.
You’re going to love the new Field Forces for controlling dynamics, the Mixamo Rig for quickly and easily adding character animation and the many workflow enhancements added to Fields.
New Denoiser technology from Intel, new material nodes, improvements to the node workflow and some substantial updates to ProRender will power your creativity into amazing imagery.
Cinema 4D has been given a facelift with support for HiDPI displays and some menu adjustments. The new Asset Inspector makes it easy to find/link/collect assets and the UV Transform Tool provides some additional tools for managing UVs.