Happy Digital AutoGrass 1.50
Select your object, click Autograss, and you’re done. You’ve got photorealistic grass in V-Ray for 3ds Max.
Autograss works in any scene, from a simple lawn to landscaping an entire city block. It works with all of V-Ray’s great features, like shadows, reflections, depth of field, and global illumination, and there’s no need to divide your scene into passes or layers.
Autograss uses Happy Digital’s advanced memory management system. That means Autograss uses only a fixed amount of RAM no matter how much grass is in the scene, whether it’s a one-acre lawn or an entire golf course. No crashes, no nonsense. And it’s fully multi-threaded, so all your cores are driven to their full potential.
Autograss includes eleven preset grass types covering the most commonly used grasses. You don’t need to model any grass. The scientists at Happy Digital studied radiometrically calibrated photographs to ensure the grass presets have true-to-life shape and color when used with V-Ray’s physical cameras and sun / sky system, from sunrise to sunset. In addition, Autograss provides you with mapping and variation to produce special effects like worn-out trails and lawnmower paths.
Feature summary
Advanced memory management
Unlimited grass in your scenes
Fast, multi-threaded rendering
Eleven grass type presets
Twelve grass material presets
Four earth material presets
Adjustable variation
Density mapping
Length mapping
Cutoff mapping
Thatch mapping
Direction mapping
1. Copy autograss_materials.mat and autograss_next_20XX.dlo (for V-Ray v4) OR autograss_x64_20XX.dlo (for V-Ray v3)
to the vrayplugins folder, e.g: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\plugins\vrayplugins”
2. Enjoy!
Downloads: pls buy & support the dev!
These links are for Happy Digital AutoGrass 1.50 for 3ds Max 2013 to 2020 with fully working crack for windows OS!