By | January 3, 2022

Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam 1.0 Full Easy Crack Win/Mac Download CLEAN!

GorillaCam is a plugin for Cinema 4D R16 and above. It is designed to work with your existing animated (or un-animated) camera. Its purpose is simple. GorillaCam makes your camera feel like a real person is behind it, not some cold, dead machine.

GorillaCam can smooth out a boring linear camera move, add subtle (or not-so-subtle) shake, automatically overshoot targets, and even rack focus with subtle imperfection.

This plugin is perfect for anyone that wants to create more engaging shots in Cinema 4D but doesn’t want to hassle with complicated camera rigs. Every scene has a camera, make yours unique with GorillaCam!

GorillaCam’s smoothing feature can transform even the most jank camera move into a buttery smooth Steadicam shot. GorillaCam’s Overshoot feature allows the camera to overcompensate in both position and rotation to simulate large-heavy camera rigs.

The GorillaCam Shake System can instantly make your camera more engaging. This fully art-directable feature has three speeds of shake in both position and rotation. Need a shake to happen at specific times? Use the Jolt system! It adds even more imperfect nuance at specific times or intervals.

THE PROBLEM: Animated cameras often look “CG” and robotic. They lack that subtle human imperfection and correcting this with built-in tools can be tedious and time-consuming. Vibrate tags don’t cut it and the “Motion Camera” is way too cumbersome.

THE SOLUTION: GorillaCam takes your existing camera in C4D and instantly adds that human touch. With a few clicks, your camera feels more natural and realistic and your animation is instantly more engaging.

Downloads: pls buy and support as well!


GorillaCam C4D R16-R21 patch

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