By | January 29, 2020

Ultimate Water System v1.0.0 Unity3D Full Crack Download CLEAN!

Ultimate Water System is Fully fledged water simulation Unity plugin of the AAA-quality!

Based on the recent oceanographic research, can simulate hundreds of thousands of waves with excellent foam and particle spray simulation adding a lot of realism to storm and windy weather. UWS is based on Unity Standard Shader (PBR), supporting Forward and Deferred pipelines, tessellation, planar reflections and reflection probes.

Dynamic Water Physics / Ripple Effects
Based on Shallow Water Equations it simulates water ripples movement on GPU (both pixel and compute shader implementations are provided) This allows for dynamic interaction with other mesh-objects in game (even particles, see rain below). Additionally, static obstacle detection enables ripples to be blocked by other objects such as rocks, pillars, etc.

Buoyancy Physics
Allows for simulating forces affecting Rigidbody movement, based on water density, as well as object mass and volume.

Underwater Shader
Renders objects taking into consideration depth and distance based, customizable, underwater light absorption, enables using underwater-only particles (i.e for marine snow).

Simple texture projection that defines the areas of concentrated light.

Wet Lens
Normal map based lens distortion created by air-water contact point, (or alternatively – blurs the whole screen).

Advanced Rain Drops
Parametrized, dynamic simulation of raindrops on camera lens surface, featuring air friction, external forces (including camera movement), glass imperfections.

Shore / Object Detection Foam
Simple shore foam implementation based on the distance between water surface and underwater terrain and objects.

Subtractive Volumes / Volume Masking
Allows for removing water from specified volumes (i.e. in the inside of the submarine).

Water Decals (Projectors)
Projects textures onto water surface, enabling creation of leaves, dirt, oil spills etc.

Water Profiles
Ultimate Water System supports highly adjustable water profiles (separate for water and physics simulation), that enable user to create almost any desired setup.

* Many built-in water profile settings, based on Beaufort scale and actual oceanographic research
* Few geometries supported: radial grid, projection grid, uniform grid, custom mesh
* Shader collection builder ensures that only necessary shaders get into the build
* Full shader and C# source code included
* Basic Water Particles Included
* Highly adjustable quality levels

Downloads: updated 29/01/2020

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