SpeedTree Cinema 8.0.2 Full Crack Easy Download
SpeedTree Cinema is the award-winning 3D-modeling suite that allows you to model, texture, and animate, both stylized and photoreal vegetation for VFX, arch/viz, or matte paintings.
PBR rendering in the Modeler window and a full non-destructive material workflow allows for accurate previews of your models without needing to switch applications.
To build the SpeedTree 8 library we created a custom-built scanning rig and software suite that allows us to create 8k leaf and bark textures with all the requisite PBR maps. By partnering with an arboretum in North Carolina, we have direct access to thousands of species of trees from around the world.
The SpeedTree VFX LIbrary is a constantly expanding set of diverse models that are essential to any VFX workflow. All bark sets include a height map to allow the creation of accurate displacement maps in the trunk geometry.
SpeedTree Cinema replaces Studio and Architect with a new lower price point and all the premium features. Available as a short-term or perpetual license, the Modeler can be leased or purchased in full with or without the SpeedTree VFX Library.
Model and shape any type of vegetation using a combination of procedural and fine-tuned art controls.
Preview and tune new advanced wind effects and create fine-tuned animated growth sequences.
Apply textures to your entire model with a few clicks, with export scripts for most popular DCCs and renderers
If you manually load it in c4d, just set the whitepoint and backpoint of the reflectance channel opposite of its default, then textures render correctly.
first, thanks for your program
but, there is some error,
1. part.1 error massage, not correct rar file..
2. part.6 link error..you Linked part.5 file..
1st error seems from 2nd link error..
use these links
where to replace the patch ?
i dont remember any more :/
Dead… Shame.
are u literally brain dead retard or what? all links are working.
Awesome, as always ! :)
Thanks !
Can i ask you the process of cracking? I unzip it and where to put that application?
arent there any instructions i dint have any pc right now. :(
The guy craked this app forgot to generate executable file.
But don’t worry. Instruction:
1. Install app (don’t launch)
2. Go to: /Application/SpeedTree Cinema (app folder)
3. Inside folder find SpeedTree Modeler Cinema.app file. Right click on the mouse button and choose ‘Show Package Content’ line in menu.
4. Go to: Contents/MacOs
5. Inside MacOs folder you’ll see Terminal file ‘SpeedTree Modeler Cinema’
6. Copy this file to any folder
7. Open this file with Text Edit
8. Go to Crack folder and find the current file with exactly the same name ‘Show Package Content’
9. Also open this file in Text Edit
10. Select all in crack file an Copy (Warning: Make sure that you selected all)
11. Paste the content into the native app file you opened first (Warning: Do Not Close file immediately. Make sure that all content is pasted (file size is rather big and process required some time)).
12. Save the native file.
13. Paste and Replace file in app directory (Contents/MacOs).
14. Launch app