easyRulers AEScripts for After Effects Full Crack Download CLEAN!
easyRulers is designed to create any type of graphical measuring ruler, fast and easy. No more aligning and fiddling around with dozens of layers. easyRulers creates all the necessary shape and text layers, perfectly aligns them and adds convenient effect controls for easy customization.
easyRulers can be run as a dockable panel (will be visible and run from the “Window” menu in After Effects) or in “window” mode” (visible and run from the File -> Scripts menu).
The mode depends on which folder you install the script in.
Great care has been taken to make sure that every property controlled by easyRuler’s expressions is unlocked and editable.
The text layers that the script creates, are completely independent. This means you can edit, move, scale, rotate, etc. each layer individually without breaking its relation to the ruler. You can even delete any text layer you want without affecting the functionality of the script.
The script is compatible and has been successfully tested on:
After Effects CS6
After Effects CC
After Effects CC 2014
After Effects CC 2015
After Effects CC 2015.3
After Effects CC 2017
easyRulers gives you full control over the creation of text numbering. You can adjust the starting point, the stepping, the size and color of the text layers.
You can also easily add prefixes or suffixes (or both) to each text layer.
The “Create Ruler” button, shows (and is updated every time you change a setting) the range of numbers that is going to be created.
- grouped undos – you can undo the whole ruler creation process with a single click
- uniform label color – each ruler with its corresponding text layers, has the same label color – every ruler has a different label color
- multiple rulers in one composition – you can create as many rulers as you like inside a single composition. Each ruler has a unique name
- dockable panel or window mode – the script can be run as a dockable panel or a floating window. The mode depends in which folder you install the script
- integrated help and tool tips – every control in the user interface has a tool tip. Clicking on the easyRuler logo, brings a window with help tips
- user guide – along with the script, there is a 10 page user guide (PDF)
- language independent – the script works in every international version of After Effects, no matter the language is installed on
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Hi, the link is not available, is it possible to have it back please ?
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Hey, it’s not the link for easyrulers but 3D Extruder
the script is not available as one single link so you to have download Collection of a lot of Script using the links i have given. in that collection, easyRulers can be found.