3D LUT Creator 1.40 Full Crack WIN Download CLEAN!
3D LUT Professional color correction of photos and videos
The 3d LUT Creator 3D – is a program for professional color grading and creating 3DLUT -files that can be imported into a variety of programs for editing photos and video and used as adjustment layers supported programs 3DLUT’y:.? The Adobe of Photoshop , the Adobe of After Effects , the Adobe the Pro the Premiere , the DaVinci the Resolve , FinalCut the Pro and others.
Correction in the 3D LUT Creator’e occurs via bending grid tied to the color plane having the saturation and hue. Use of this interface enables a few clicks how to reverse the colors of the image and work with the right color range individually.
Unique tools
program you will not find in any other photo or video editor.
The speed and ease of use
It has been appreciated by more than 1,000 users of the program.
Integration with Adobe Photoshop
One click allows you to download LUT in Adobe Photoshop.
The ability to create their 3DLUT’y
They praised the videographer and colorists from around the world.
Permanent functional upgrade
More programs left nobody indifferent.
A / B grid allows a few clicks to change the color of an object by dragging the desired node on the color grid to the desired hue and saturation, without affecting other colors. At the same time the color gradients remain flat and smooth, ie. A. Tool does not work on the masks, but acts like a smooth curve in Photoshop. Hue and saturation of color change, regardless of the brightness.
C / L grid allows you to control the contrast within the same color.
VOLUME allows for 1-click to change the brightness accents parts of the image based on their color and highlight the main subject.
It installed some AIMP media player…not an image editor.
i think you clicked on green download button, if yes then thats advertisements that i have placed to keep this site running. you have to click on links.
All are ads! not working.
It works for a few times after that it wont save an image or exporting lut to photoshop etc even after the program already being blocked ty windows firewall
I cant say anything may be they somehow caught the crack try reinstalling.