By | February 2, 2021

FayTeq FayIN v2.3.0 After Effects CC 2014-2015 WIN/MAC Crack AMPED

fayIN 2.3 is out! And the new version provides some great features with a focus on improving usability. The update provides new buttons for instant creation and import of inserts. Integrating text in videos has become even easier! Cutters will be happy about the enhanced compatibility with Adobe Premiere and also the compatibility with After Effects’ timing properties has been in focus for this update.

User Modes

Choose between a convenient “Beginner Mode” and an advanced “Expert Mode”:

Beginners can start with step-by-step instructions on how to operate the plugin and integrate inserts in their videos fast and easily.

Advanced users use one click of the mouse to switch on “Expert Mode” for the full range of tools and functions to fine-tune their track and insert.

Text Integration Made Easy

fayIN 2.3 comes with an accelerated workflow for integrating text in videos. Simply track your target area as usual, right-click on the blue placeholder or click the new “Exchange Footage” button and select “Create Text Layer” via the context menu. fayIN will automatically create and open up a new sub-composition with a text layer. Enter your desired text and switch back to the main composition. The text has been automatically applied as insert for your track and can be changed at any time!

Connect with Adobe Premiere

Easily cut and line up your clips in Adobe Premiere. Use Adobe’s dynamic link export option to automatically create an After Effects composition from a clip in order to track and edit it with fayIN. When the tracking job is done and your insert has been integrated, simply switch back to check your result instantly inside the Premiere project.

Out-of-Sight Tracking

You already know, that fayIN generates a 3D world in the background of your video. This 3D world enables another great feature: fayIN tracks objects even if they briefly leaves camera sight. Because fayIN analyzes the whole selected video sequence, the tracker knows exactly where the object is located in the scene – even if it’s not visible anymore. That means, you don’t have to track again. When the object is visible again, it’s traced again! In this video you can see here, that the plane stays where the object is.


Recommended link below => FULL SPEED.

updated 2/3/2021

2 Replies to “FayTeq FayIN v2.3.0 AfterEffects CC 2014-15 WIN/MAC Crack!”

  1. Jose

    Well…it says I don´t have AE CC installed…and I actually have! I can´t install it :-(

    1. Zaid Sparrow Post author

      then you are using unsupported version of AE CC. dont use AE 16 update. it will only work on earlier version of 15 update.


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